Imren IMR18650 3000mAh (Yellow)
Official specifications:
- Weight: 50g
- Capacity: 3000mAh
- Length : 65.05mm
- Diameter: 18.51mm
- Voltage: 3.7V
- Excellent high-current discharge performance
- Model: 18650
- Material: Li-Mn
Imren has two different 3000mAh cells, both high current.
The discharge curves looks good, nearly constant capacity and very good tracking between the cells.
I had to stop early on the high current discharges to avoid melting my test station.
At 30A the temperature increases very fast, I terminated the discharge after 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
The cells looks good, but they cannot deliver 30A continious.
Notes and links
The battery was supplied by Imren for a review.
This test is run on my updated equipment and is not directly comparable to the other Imren 3000mAh test.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Compare to 18650 and other batteries